I like sales. I mean, who doesn't love saving money?
Especially now, with prices going up due to inflation, every penny counts!
Whenever I come across a good deal, I make sure to jot it down in my note app.
One day, I had this lightbulb moment: “Why keep all these awesome sales to myself? Why not share them with everyone?”
The idea kept brewing in my mind for a few days.
And then, just a week later, SaleDates.net was born.
I list every eye-catching sale for popular stores (mostly online ones).
The calendars may not be the most complete ones out there, but I'll try my best to record any notable sale events that shoppers can take advantage of.
You can help out too by messaging me about any important sales for stores that I may have missed.
I'll add them to the sale calendar whenever I have the time, mood, and energy.
But please, don't suggest very specific product sales, as there are far too many of them.
My goal is to list only the major sales.
Thank you for visiting and I hope you find the site very useful.